K5-LogoThe RHIEM Group is now a member of K5 Liga, the association of leading e-commerce service providers in Germany. K5 Liga promotes the strategic development of online commerce.

K5 Liga is a network for online business where the top e-commerce traders and service providers in Germany can exchange their views and promote their activities. The RHIEM Group based in Voerde recently joined K5 Liga, as the company wishes to contribute to the strategic promotion of online commerce. “We are delighted to be part of this powerful network. Our acceptance demonstrates our standing within the industry, and we look forward to many constructive talks and discussions,” says Dr. Stefan Rhiem, CEO of RHIEM. “The K5 Liga membership gives us the opportunity to learn from others and to cooperate with top-class specialists – to the benefit of our clients and employees. We are convinced that our services will be further enhanced through this excellent networking opportunity.”

Apart from RHIEM, K5 Liga counts such well-established businesses as the logistics corporation DHL, the payment system operators Paypal and Paymill, the customer loyalty solution provider Payback, the B2B marketplace Restposten.de and the web shop certification agency Trusted Shops among its members. “At the moment, the retail trade is undergoing huge changes. While many long-established brick-and-mortar shops struggle to survive, a whole squad of web-based traders have set up shop in the dynamic online world where growth is strong,” says Jochen Krisch, e-commerce consultant based in Munich, founding member of K5 Liga and author of the excitingcommerce blog. “Many service providers face crucial decisions as regards their future role. Should they operate as strategic advisers for growth promoters, or provide emergency technical support for e-commerce businesses?”

Customised complete solution

RHIEM is contributing to the further development of e-commerce by offering its clients a huge range of services – from web shop design to fully integrated management of the entire online trade, including marketing, logistics, fulfilment, returns management, billing and clearing for domestic and international transactions. Many household names such as L’Oréal (cosmetics), Verbatim (IT storage solutions), Grau (pet food), Build-a-Bear (toys) or Red Simon (wine) rely on RHIEM for the handling of their e-commerce activities. “More and more online traders are now offering customised products, enabling consumers to design the merchandise on their computer screens by choosing patterns, adding text, etc.,” explains Stefan Rhiem. “We specialise in the development and operation of production workflows, be they highly automated or focused on single item production.” RHIEM now offers a unique service that convinced K5 Liga of the company’s capabilities and has become extremely popular with brand manufacturers, namely customised brand products, which have quickly become best-sellers, attracting new customers to online shopping.

As a member of K5 Liga, RHIEM will of course take part in the K5 Conference in Munich, 12 – 13 September 2013. At this trade event, the most successful online retailers will meet with leading service providers to discuss the future of e-commerce. Market researchers already predict strong growth in this sector. The renowned Institut für Handelsforschung IfH in Cologne expects a growth rate for e-commerce in 2013 of more than ten per cent on the previous year. By 2014, the sector is predicted to turn over more than 40 billion Euro annually. “The industry will no doubt become more professional,” says Stefan Rhiem. “Organisations such as K5 Liga provide the platform for the further development of existing services and innovative approaches.”

Editorial contact

RHIEM Unternehmensgruppe
Souvanna Chen
Business Development & Sales
Gildeweg 10 • 46562 Voerde • Germany
Phone +49 (0) 2855 9700-881
Fax +49 (0) 2855 9700-21
E-Mail souvanna.chen@rhiem.com
Web www.rhiem.com

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Christopher Evers
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Christopher Evers

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