
RHIEM assists TRY FOODS in launching its business: The packaging and fulfilment specialists based in Voerde design the carton packaging of the food sampling kits of TRY FOODS containing products from all over the world.

The flavours of the world – that is what Jörn Gutowski, founder of TRY FOODS in Berlin, offers connoisseurs with his carefully crafted food samples. These delicious tasters are now packaged in cartons designed and manufactured by RHIEM. “Finding a packaging solution for delicacies from all over the globe was a most enjoyable task,” says Ulrich Treiber, board member of the RHIEM GROUP based in Voerde. “We very much liked the innovative business idea of Jörn Gutowski and are delighted that we were able to assist TRY FOODS from its very start-up.” The online business operating from Berlin is about to dispatch its first trial packs. Jörn Gutowski is delighted with the solution from RHIEM: “The handy kits are not only well thought out and designed, but are also easy to transport. Their striking look perfectly matches our brand images.”

The proof is in the eating

The 15 cm x 20 cm cartons reveal instantly what they contain. Pepper, olive oil and coffee were the first products used by TRY FOODS to launch its idea. Over the next few weeks, these flavours will be followed by other delicacies from all over the world. “Taste is obviously a matter of taste,” says Jörn Gutowski. “With TRY FOODS, foodies can now sample a product without any distraction and find out more about it.” Each kit contains five regional versions of a single product accompanied by a booklet that tells connoisseurs, chefs and other food enthusiasts more about their quality, region of origin and use in cooking. The starter set with coffee contains for example bags with 50 g samples of ground Arabica beans from Columbia, Brazil, India, Costa Rica and Ethiopia.

Flexible platform approach keeps costs low
To cater for the various TRY FOODS products, RHIEM has come up with a flexible and cost-effective packaging solution: a printed slipcase around a cardboard presentation box containing the five food samples. “The carton is equally suitable for sachets with spices, tiny oil bottles or tins and tubes containing sauces or pâtés,” explains UIrich Treiber. “The folding box caters for virtually any food product or presentation.” As TRY FOODS launches other sampling kits, all that needs to be changed is the slipcase. The presentation box remains the same. This platform approach keeps start-up costs low, which is very important for TRY FOODS as it expects the initial number of boxes sold to be rather small.

TRY FOODS does not only want to introduce its customers to new flavours and tastes, it also wishes to entice them to explore exciting travel destinations. Customers who discovered flavours in the TRY FOOD box that they wish to enjoy more frequently can order the respective products in standard retail quantities through the company’s online shop. Thanks to the elegant packaging, the sampling kits also make ideal gifts, be it among friends or business partners. “We are already looking forward to the next range of specialties from TRY FOODS, and wish the start-up company every success in the future,” says Ulrich Treiber.

Editorial Contact:

RHIEM Unternehmensgruppe
Ulrich Treiber
Director Business Development & Sales
Gildeweg 10 • 46562 Voerde • Germany
Phone +49 (0) 2855 9700-882
Fax +49 (0) 2855 9700-21

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Ulrich Treiber
Your personal contact: 
Ulrich Treiber

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