RHIEM Group wins Keppler & Fremer and the REMEMBER® brand

rememberBefore the launch of this year’s Christmas season, design brand REMEMBER® picks RHIEM as its partner for e-commerce and logistics. The Voerde fulfillment provider is responsible for the warehousing and shipping of popular gift items and home accessories.

The standout straight patterns on the colorful games, calendar, cardboard stool and home accessories attract more fans to the REMEMBER® brand all the time – in the rest of Europe, the US and in Asia too. Keppler & Fremer and its coveted brands have been set on a growth course for years.

The Krefeld company has now transferred responsibility for warehousing and logistics to the Voerde-based RHIEM Group. The fulfillment provider is responsible for warehousing the coveted design ware and for its shipment to online customers, as well as retail outlets and specialist stores all over the world. Keppler & Fremer CEO Ingo Fremer: “With RHIEM we have found a strong partner for growth and international expansion.”

Partner network speeds up shipping

The RHIEM Group has had an international presence for years. As part of a strategic partner network, the company has 13 sites worldwide, with special focus in North America (San Francisco, Toronto, Philadelphia) and Asia (Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Taipei and Tokyo) but also operates in South Africa (Cape Town) and Australia (Sydney). With this network, Keppler & Fremer now also has options for internationalization. If online orders from www.remember.de or interest from retail partners from particular regions continues to increase, products can be warehoused in nominated foreign sites and shipped from there to customers and stores more quickly. Dr. Stefan Rhiem, CEO of the e-commerce service provider: “In Europe, we deliver within one to four days, depending on the region. Thanks to our global partner sites, we also manage to do this in other relevant markets within a similarly short time frame.”

Breathing organization for the Christmas shop

Along with the international options, Keppler & Fremer are convinced by the adaptability of RHIEM’s resources. REMEMBER® products are in high demand in the run-up to Christmas. The number of online orders increases around tenfold over the volume during the year. As a breathing company with a reliable team of experts and permanent part-time staff, RHIEM is able to provide its brand clients with scalable logistics processes for international e-commerce and for shipping to specialist stores and branches. “Our part-time staff are qualified to deal with a range of shipping and packaging tasks. They can be deployed flexibly, enabling us to handle spikes in shipping volume,” says Dr. Peter Lorenzi, CEO RHIEM Services GmbH.

Keppler & Fremer already has two Remember branches in Krefeld and Bremen. In addition, the striking home accessories are sold in specialist stores and shops in cities like Frankfurt, Berlin, Munich, Paris and Rome. RHIEM supplies these retailers and branches in compliance with individual customer delivery guidelines. “It’s a wonderful thing when we can support our customers on their growth path,” says Rhiem with satisfaction.

Further information:

Souvanna Chen
Business Development & Sales
Gildeweg 10 • 46562 Voerde • Germany
Phone +49 (0) 2855 9700-881
Fax +49 (0) 2855 9700-21
E-Mail souvanna.chen@rhiem.com
Web www.rhiem.com

Press Release – Microsoft Word Format

Christopher Evers
Your personal contact: 
Christopher Evers

Bei der RHIEM Services verfügen wir über hoch skalierbare Fulfillment-Prozesse mit denen Sie als Händler international, leistungsstark und zuverlässig auftreten werden. Durch unsere IFS Zertifizierung bieten wir höchste Hygienestandards und eine lückenlose Chargenrückverfolgung, sowohl bei B2C als auch bei B2B Sendungen. Fordern Sie uns heraus und kontaktieren Sie mich gerne telefonisch unter +49 2855/9700-742 oder per e-mail: christopher.evers@rhiem.com für einen ersten Austausch.