B2B trade in sugar

Sugar made crystal-clear: RHIEM is setting up the online shop for the Zucker-Vertriebsgesellschaft in Braunschweig, a sugar trading company belonging to the Berlin-based Boettger Group, and its brand BOETTGER Zucker and will be taking care of the warehousing and shipping to manufacturers and other processing companies.

Sugar works magic. Made from beet, cane and coconut blossom, sugar has a potent effect on more than just the taste buds. Sweet treats also bring a sugary smile to the lips of those with a sweet tooth. The Berlin-based Boettger Group has been supplying food producers and bulk buyers with the treasured commodity for more than 100 years through its companies Zuckerhandelsunion GmbH & Co. KG (ZHU) and Zucker-Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH (ZVG). In recent years more and more small enterprises have been contacting the acclaimed sugar expert. RHIEM has now developed an online shop for these customers and is also taking charge of the warehousing and dispatch of the products. “RHIEM has opened a professional way in to new business for us and one which has required precious little internal outlay,” said Daniel Thomas, head of financial controlling at ZVG, “so now we can also supply relatively small companies with high-quality sugar.”

Sweets, specialties, spicy cuisine – sugar is an essential ingredient in almost every type of food. Just under three million tonnes of it are processed in Germany every year. More and more suppliers of chocolate, candy, confectionery, jam, chutney and other specialties want to process the varieties of sugar supplied by ZVG – and can now order this in the BOETTGER Online Shop. “Sugar – for us as an e-commerce and fulfillment service provider, this is a new product which comes with its own particular challenges,” said Stefan Rhiem, CEO of the Voerde-based RHIEM Group. “It calls for the full spectrum of skills and experience – ranging from the logistics expert and the forwarding agent right through to the online retailer.”

Hygiene and safety in transit

RHIEM stores the white gold – and other colors of the precious commodity – in sacks and canisters, guaranteeing the highest hygiene standards. Whether white beet sugar, golden to dark brown cane sugar, sugar in crystalline or liquid form, the goods are kept in perfect odor-free conditions meeting strict hygiene requirements. RHIEM undergoes regular hygiene certification processes and routinely trains its warehouse staff and employees in the handling of food and dietary supplements, now including sugar.

The quantities required by the factories and small businesses also vary, with some ordering a few kilograms while others order by the hundredweight. RHIEM therefore sends the sugar in individual sacks by parcel post but also instructs freight forwarders with larger shipments on pallets. Not only does the Voerde-based enterprise supply ZVG customers in Germany but also in Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Austria.

Information and clarity of layout

RHIEM also developed the online shop for BOETTGER Zucker. Customers and potential customers can find information here about refined and unprocessed sugar, encountering sugar in crystal, fondant or caramelized form or learning useful facts about the origin and possible uses of beet, cane and palm sugar. The information and purchase order options were adapted to the specific requirements of the customers.

Further information:

RHIEM Gruppe
Dr.-Ing. Thorsten Voigt
Director Business Development & Sales
Gildeweg 10 • 46562 Voerde
Phone: +49 (0) 2855 9700-835
E-Mail: thorsten.voigt@rhiem.com
Web: www.rhiem.com



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René Tanzer
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René Tanzer

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